Thursday, 6 May 2010

2nd fitting- reflective post!

Ok, so on the way about 9pm, I got a text saying that plans had changed and James could not make the fitting that would be the next day (monday 3rd) So would I be able to fit him as soon as I got there. I was aware this therefore be a late night fitting seeing as my coach didnt arrive in london until 10:20 and then I had to travel (get a train) across london to get to the flat. However, I was also aware that it was a sunday night and there would be works on the rail lines going on which may affect my route and delay it. Therefore I text back reminding James of this; to ensure he was aware that I would be a good hour longer! (Although, there was little other options at this point.. other than to do it when I got there!) When I arrived at 12, We got stright on with the fitting. Lottie volunteered to be my assistant instantly, which was a massive help and really would help to speed up the whole process! Having lottie passing pins, and as a second pair of eyes was a great help and definately did speed the process up.

Generally the fit was relatively accurate but the sleeves were a bit of an issue around the sleeve head. I pinned the sleeve in how I thought best and explained to lottie my thoughts regarding how to go about creating the correct fit. Lottie was very useful in giving a second opinion. she suggested leaving a little extra etc to what I had for a a bit of reassurance that next time James was to wear it; it would still fit! In relatinion to the fit; I found that in the 3 weeks between the two fittings, James had been working out; his chest had expanded meaning that the cf that I originally marked was inches from being able to close! I had left 5cm on the CF but this still would not be enough to close the jacket with buttons! I was very worried about this, untill lottie pointed out that on my design my jacket was not closed. When I then considered this further and fitted the shirt, I relised that the jacket would not want to be closed as this would block out the decoration of the shirt that adds the interest to the whole costume! Therefore I was reassured. However I was still a little worried as a functional jacket should still close! Lottie suggested to me if i was worried to use.... fastenings; and explained to be due to the tie that was attached to fastening it allowed extra room to fasten the jacket! It was great to hear about another option if i needed a fastening on the jacket; and therefore her knowledge was of great help!

Whilst I was marking these changes and we were discussing things; lottie noted down the alterations and any problems or things I was slightly unsure of to discuss with graham the 2nd week back (when Graham returned) and what we had done! e.g the Jacket front!

Overall the fitting went very well, and managed to get it done much quicker than the last! James was very happy and excited about the jacket sleeve decoartion which I had done on the calico in the exact same way as it will be done on my top fabric (the netting reverse applique) When I showed him the beads and told him where these were placed he was equally excited and very much approved and liked the plan of action regarding this decoration; and commented that he looked forward to seeing it finished!

Finally; the shirt; James was thrilled with this and the decorative elements; even commenting "This is immense; Can I wear it on a night out"!
I felt extremely pleased with what I had produced and now feel extremely confident about the finished looks of the jacket and shirt and the look as a whole including the sourced trousers! All garments compliment one another extremely well and are giving the look that I desired when I created this design. I feel therefore, once again pleased that I spent so long on my research as this has allowed my process to be as calm as it can be with no hickups regarding design and decorative issues so far!

Check out my following blog for the changes that I needed to make and how I planned to go about them!

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